In 2020, Comité Colbert adopted a new raison d’être: “To passionately promote, to patiently transmit, and to sustainably develop French savoir-faire and creation in order to inject a new sense of wonder.” This tenet guides our activities each day.
To passionately promote
Since its creation, Comité Colbert has been tirelessly impelling public authorities in Paris and Brussels to defend the individuality of a leading sector in French industry.
As a major advocate of intellectual property, Comité Colbert contributed to the adoption of the Longuet law in France in 1994, which aimed to put an end to counterfeiting. It also organises campaigns to raise awareness among the general public and is committed to securing effective European regulations to combat counterfeits both off- and online. Moreover, Comité Colbert is an ardent defender of granting companies freedom in establishing their sales network, and, as such, takes action to preserve the principle of selective distribution in Europe.
It combats regulatory barriers to market access and regularly organizes collective actions to promote the French art of living abroad
To patiently transmit
The future of luxury depends on its ability to pass on the fundamentals of savoir-faire and creation to the next generations.
Through actions to promote its métiers, along with partnerships with training institutions, Comité Colbert strives to lead this transmission. Over ten years ago, Comité Colbert created the Chaire Colbert at the art and design school ENSAAMA to train future generations of designers in the specificities of the luxury industry.
In parallel, the association is looking to the future and using its Colbert Labo to foresee which trends will engage the young employees of its Maisons.
To sustainably develop
Comité Colbert created a commission dedicated to the challenges of sustainable development. Its mission is to make the luxury sector a benchmark in terms of social, societal and environmental responsibility. It leads discussions between our Maisons on best practices, and monitors issues that arise in the industry. As part of the 2015 Paris Agreement, France set itself the target of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Comité Colbert and the French luxury sector must help France and Europe to achieve this objective. Comité Colbert will therefore define the luxury industry’s path to carbon neutrality.