Comité Colbert is an association governed by the French law of 1901. Its chairman is elected from among the members by the General Assembly. He/She heads the Board which approves the Comité Colbert strategy established by the President & CEO in collaboration with the chairs of the working commissions.

Laurent Boillot
The Chairman, Laurent Boillot (CEO of Hennessy), was elected by the Comité Colbert General Assembly.
He chairs the Board which approves the Comité Colbert strategy, and the General Assembly which adopts it.
The chairman relies on the support of an Executive Board made up of Board members.

Bénédicte Epinay
Bénédicte Epinay, President & CEO, implements the Comité Colbert strategy with the association’s permanent team. She is the representative of Comité Colbert.