Your personal data
We strive to protect your personal data. Consequently, we have established a system for processing your personal data which complies with European Regulation 2016/679 of 14 April 2016, known as the General Data Protection Act (GDPR), as well as other current regulations.
For any information about personal data protection, you can consult the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) website, www.cnil.fr.
The data controller is the company which defines for what purpose and how your personal data is used. Comité Colbert, an association governed by the French law of 1901 (Siret No. 784 179 012 00033 – Urssaf Paris, APE 9411Z) having its registered office at 2 bis rue de La Baume 75008 Paris is responsible for the processing of your personal data.
All elements present on the Website and the Website itself are protected by copyright, trademarks, design and model rights and/or any other intellectual property right. These elements include, but are not limited to: texts, comments, works, illustrations, photographs, images, logos, trademarks, models etc. They belong to Comité Colbert or are used with the consent of their authors and/or beneficiaries.
Similarly, the documents available for download on the Website are the exclusive property of Comité Colbert.
In this respect, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, sale, in full or in part, by any method or any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) are prohibited without the prior written authorisation of Comité Colbert, excluding the exceptions set forth in Article L. 122.5 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any violation constitutes an infringement of copyright and/or design and model rights and/or trademarks in accordance with the provisions of French law.
The creation of any hypertext link redirecting to the Website or one of the elements composing it is prohibited without the express prior authorisation of Comité Colbert, which can be revoked at any time.
Comité Colbert cannot be held liable for any Website including a hypertext link directing to the Website or one of the elements composing it, Comité Colbert having no control thereof.
Comité Colbert strives to ensure the information published on the Website is accurate and up to date. It reserves the right to correct the content at any time without notice. Nonetheless, Comité Colbert cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision and exhaustiveness of the information made available on the Website.
Consequently, Comité Colbert cannot be held liable for:
- any inaccuracy, imprecision or omission relating to the information available on the Website,
- any damage resulting from the intrusion of a third party modifying the information on the Website,
- and more generally, any direct or indirect damage, regardless of the cause, origin, nature and consequences thereof, caused by any individual accessing or being unable to access the Website.
Comité Colbert may use cookies for statistical purposes only. You can choose to block certain types of cookies. Click on the different categories to obtain further details on each cookie and to change the default settings. Refusing the use of cookies will not prevent you from accessing the website, it will simply make your browsing experience less personalised.
As Comité Colbert cannot control all the risks relating to the Internet and how it operates, users are informed that liability for any risks related to the confidentiality of data transmitted over this network cannot be attributed to Comité Colbert.
For any question or comment regarding the functioning of the Website or management of your personal data, you can contact us at: info@comitecolbert.com
Users can also use this address to inform us of any problems encountered on the Website.
Your rights regarding personal data protection.
In accordance with the GDPR, you have numerous rights regarding the protection and processing of your data. These rights are:
- Right of access (GDPR Article 15)
- Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) (GDPR Article 17)
- Right to rectification (GDPR Article 16)
- Right to restrict processing (GDPR Article 18),
- Right to data portability (GDPR Article 20)
- Right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority (GDPR Article 77)
- Right to withdraw consent (GDPR Article 7, paragraph 3)
- Right to object to certain data processing measures (GDPR Article 21).
To exercise your rights, please send us a request, specifying your first name and surname, email address and any other information necessary to confirm your identity (e.g., your postal address) so that we may process your request, either:
- in writing: 2 bis rue de la Baume 75008 Paris, for the attention of the legal department
- via email: info@comitecolbert.com